Welcome to Your TV Hot Spot

We are a group of Penn State students who will be blogging about our favorite television shows over the next several months. The shows that will be discussed are Lost, Entourage, South Park, and The Office. Look forward to recaps,clips, predictions, and favorite moments in the posts to come.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lost Season 6 (Recon)

This weeks episode was called Recon and provided some interesting info. First I'd like to point out that they are making quite an effort to make Locke seem "good". I think they are just trying to show how convincing he is. Hopefully we don't have to decide who is good and who is bad in the end. After 6 seasons of holding back answers and only 8 episodes left, we better get hard facts soon.

So what's new from this episode?
Sawyer is planning to leave the island, presumably with his friends while "Locke and Widmore are busy dealing with each other." I can say pretty comfortably that this will fail, or there wouldn't be much story left to tell. They spent so much effort and time trying to get back. Why would they turn around and leave? Also, if Widmore knows anything about the smoke, he certainly knows he can't kill it, so what is he doing on the island?

Ignoring the flash sideways, that is about all we got from this episode. I am more concerned about all the questions they raised at the beginning of the season, only to ignore them for the next 4 episodes. Again, who is the blonde boy in the woods? Who is "Wallace" as seen on the dial at the lighthouse? What is the wheel and who built it? What was going on when Walt used to show up in the woods with water pouring out of his mouth? Where is Desmond and what did it mean when he turned the fail safe key? Why was Libby in the mental hospital with Hurley?

I don't see how they will possibly tie all of this up, not to mention the hundreds of other questions they ignored for seasons on end. On the bright side, next episode is the first ever Richard episode. Our favorite character who we know virtually nothing about despite 6 seasons of story development. If we don't find out something groundbreaking I think we will all be very disappointed.

Trailer and "sneak peak" below. I put quotes because it's info we've known all season. See you next week.

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