Welcome to Your TV Hot Spot

We are a group of Penn State students who will be blogging about our favorite television shows over the next several months. The shows that will be discussed are Lost, Entourage, South Park, and The Office. Look forward to recaps,clips, predictions, and favorite moments in the posts to come.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

LOST Season 6 Episode 5 The Lighthouse

Answers, really?

ABC keeps repeating that "The time for questions is over," yet this weeks episode provided virtually nothing we didn't already know. So what did they give us to think about?

Someone is coming to the island. Who is coming?

We aren't told directly but I believe it may be someone named "Wallace." Jacob told Hurley to set the dial at the lighthouse to 108 degrees. I paused,(thank you DVR) and could see that the name next to 108 was Wallace. I thought for sure it would be Desmond. Maybe it is a code name. Almost all the names are crossed off minus the LOST crew we have known from season 1. Number 55 is not crossed off however and is a black scribble with what looks like the name ash next to it. I think this is significant of the smoke monster, or Claire's "friend" as she put it at the end of the episode.

Next question. Why isn't Sawyer with Locke when he arrives at Claire's tent?

It sure seemed like they weren't leaving each others side last week when they claimed they were "leaving the island together." Now Sawyer is gone. Any ideas where he is?

Last new info: Jacob tells Hurley they can't go back to the temple because someone bad is going there, and it's already too late.

I was sure Dogen and Jacob were on the same side but they don't seem to be in this episode. When Hurley is in the temple with Dogen, Jacob makes no attempt to communicate with him through Hurley. Now we realize Jacob left Dogen at the temple, likely to die. Everyone in the temple panicked when they heard Jacob was dead, yet he does nothing to help them. If it is "too late" to save them, maybe it's playing back to another Lost theme that you can't change your destiny, and I think Jacob may just be unable to do this. He can't interfere with their destiny.

Last note of speculation... I think that in the alternate universe Fairaday will have never stopped playing piano and will meet Jack through his son's piano playing. His son is playing the same piece Fairaday plays as a little boy in season 4, just when his mother tells him he can't play anymore. I don't think this is a coincidence.

SNEAK PEAK of next weeks episode below. See you next week.

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